10 Quick & Easy Things Men Can Do to Be More Attractive

When it comes to attractiveness, a lot of guys think it comes down solely to genetics. While genes certainly play a role, the truth of the matter is that anyone can look better with some simple tricks.
You may not have been born looking like Oscar Isaac, but you can boost your confidence and follow some helpful tips for looking your best. You can have the ladies swooning over you in no time.
10 Ways to Become a More Attractive Man, According to Science
Whether you’re playing the field or want to impress your wife, all men could afford to do a little more to up their game. With these tips, your partner will be smiling in no time.
10. Grow a Beard
If you’ve never tried growing a beard out before, it’s time to try. Some men look positively stunning with facial hair, and you never know if you’re in that category until you try.
Plus, it helps if you weren’t born with a naturally chiseled jawline. It can help cover up some fat around the chin and give you a nice lumberjack look some women go crazy for.
9. Improve Your Body
You don’t need to be buff like Dwayne Johnson to attract women. But if you’re a little flabby, it couldn’t hurt to tighten things up a bit.
You should try exercising three or four times a week. This can just be light exercise totaling no more than 30 minutes. Not only will you become more attractive over time, but your body will thank you.
You should also try to improve how you dress. Invest in some nice clothes and buy accessories like an automatic watch or bracelet.
8. Make Her Laugh
Ask women what they want most in a guy, and the majority will probably say “a sense of humor.” Women like funny men; they want to smile when they’re around you.
Learn some jokes, and don’t be afraid to be goofy around her. No woman wants a serious guy all the time, so let loose.
7. Wear Sunglasses
Sunglasses do more than make you look hot. They protect your eyes and skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
Fine lines and wrinkles are less likely to be pronounced if you wear sunglasses in the heat regularly.
6. Tilt Your Chin Up
Studies have found that tilting your chin up actually makes you look hotter. It’s science!
The thing about this is that tilting your chin up makes you look taller. And women naturally gravitate toward guys who are taller than them, so even if you’re on the short side, you can still boast the confidence of a guy who’s 6’7”.
5. Improve Your Skin
Every guy needs a comprehensive skincare regimen. You should take care of your skin at least once daily using moisturizer and exfoliation to keep your skin looking youthful.
A lot of guys simply scrub soap on their skin and call it a day. But a girl will want to kiss you more if you show that you take care of yourself beyond the basics.
4. Wear Red
Red is the color of romance. It’s also the color you should wear if you want women to stand up and pay attention to you.
Studies have found that women perceive men wearing red as higher status and more likely to make money. So throw in some red shirts within your wardrobe.
3. Be Kind
A lot of flirting tips out there tell guys to be mean and “neg” their prospective dates. But you never want to rule out genuine kindness.
Be polite and honest with your date. Don’t be rude or gross. Be the gentleman your parents raised you to be.
2. Get a Dog
Here’s an experiment you can try with your dating profile. See how many matches you get with pictures of just you. Then see how many you get when you have a dog in the photo with you.
Women love dogs. They aren’t just man’s best friend; they’re women’s, too! Plus, having a dog will give you plenty of activities to enjoy together from hiking to visiting your local dog park.
1. Have Open Body Posture
You want to display confidence to your mate. That means avoiding slouching or hunching over. You want to look cool and relaxed with body posture that reads you are sure in yourself.
“Study: Tilting Your Head Can Make You Hotter.” CBS News, 3 Dec. 2010. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/study-tilting-your-head-can-make-you-hotter/
“Scientists reveal the colour that makes you more attractive.” New Zealand Herald, 20 Mar. 2018. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/scientists-reveal-the-colour-that-makes-you-more-attractive/SKBVBKQVEP76PH5QA527VTBRE4/
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