Dry Skin Under Beard: Causes, Treatments, & Prevention

No one wants dry skin. It’s itchy, irritating, and all-around burdensome, especially when it’s located underneath facial hair.
Constantly itching your beard can cause some hairs to fall out, resulting in a patchy aesthetic. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with dry skin as there are a ton of powerful remedies at your disposal.
What Causes Dry Skin Under the Beard?
A number of factors can lead to dry skin under the beard and on other parts of the body. Pay attention to the following actions and how they could be impacting your beard growth.
Hot Showers
Hot showers may feel relaxing, but they strip your skin of essential oils. It dehydrates the skin, leaving you with intense dryness.
It’s ideal to take lukewarm showers. The bit of heat helps open up your pores, which is ideal for when you want to shave.
Using Bar Soap Under Your Beard
You need a special cleanser if you plan on washing your beard. Regular soap can ruin your skin’s natural pH value.
According to a study done by the Indian Journal of Dermatology, most bar soaps have pH values between 9 and 10. This results in a dehydrating affect, leading to dryness and potentially acne.
Dry skin under the beard tends to get worse during the winter. Additionally, the weather is more likely to affect your skin if you’re older.
Sometimes, the culprit is internal rather than external. Some people are simply prone to dry skin through various medical ailments, such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, hypothyroidism.
How to Treat Dry Skin Under Beard
Dry skin is not only irritating, it can lead to beard dandruff if you’re not careful. Try one of these remedies to see if you can stop the problem at its source.
Wash Your Beard Less
Most beards are not habitats for germs. There’s really no need to wash it every single day. Most men can get by using a gentle cleanser once or twice a week.
Washing sparingly will give your skin a chance to recover and retain more of the oils it so desperately needs.
Use a Beard Oil
One bit of beard care you should do daily is apply a high-quality beard oil. To do this, simply massage the oil into your facial hair and skin at least once daily.
Not only does it aid your skin, but it also provides you with a well-groomed aesthetic. You don’t want a raggedy beard, so keep it looking finessed with some choice products.
Start Using a Beard Comb
Another way to tame unruly facial hair is to use a beard comb. While it seems like a way solely to get your beard looking nice, it actually provides benefits for your skin.
Namely, it moves oils from your skin onto the beard. Plus, it massages the skin, boosting circulation and providing you with even more oil to keep your skin adequately moisturized.
How to Prevent Dry Skin Under Beard
While there are several ways to treat dry skin, it’s preferable if you don’t have to deal with it in the first place. Here are some steps you can implement immediately to see if they provide an improvement.
Avoid Hot Water
You never want to splash scalding hot water on your face, no matter how good it might feel. It dehydrates the skin and strips your skin of its natural oils.
Instead, you want to keep things at a lukewarm temperature. You’ll still get some relief but it won’t be as harmful on your skin.
Moisturize Your Beard
It’s paramount to invest in a first-class facial moisturizer. While it’s good for the rest of your face, it won’t necessarily do much for your beard. That’s why you need to pair it with good beard oil or beard balm.
You simply need to massage the oil down to the very ends of your hair. It provides your skin with necessary nourishment so that you look and feel your best.
Tarun, Jose et al. “Evaluation of pH of Bathing Soaps and Shampoos for Skin and Hair Care.” Indian journal of dermatology vol. 59,5 (2014): 442-4. doi:10.4103/0019-5154.139861
WebMD Editorial Contributors. “How to Treat Beard Dandruff.” WebMD, 19 Apr. 2021. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/how-to-treat-beard-dandruff
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