Does Biotin Cause Acne? Vitamin H Effect on the Skin

Does biotin cause acne? Many people, through anecdotal evidence, believe biotin results in acne.
However, research indicates the opposite may be true.
Here at Stryx, our goal is to help our customers develop and maintain healthy skin.
If you’ve been wondering whether your biotin supplements have been causing acne, we’re here to answer any questions you might have about biotin and acne.
Let’s get started!
What is Biotin?
Credit: Dr. Weil
Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is a complex B vitamin that helps your body convert food into energy.
All B vitamins, but especially biotin, help your skin, hair, liver, eyes, and nervous system. It’s also a critical nutrient for pregnant women as it aids with embryonic growth.
Most people get enough biotin naturally from their diets. The best foods for biotin include:
- Sweet potatoes
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Fish
- Eggs
- Organ meats
However, if you aren’t getting enough biotin from your diet, then you may need to take a supplement.
It’s especially important for people who need to regulate their blood sugar and for individuals worried about hair loss to take enough.
Is Biotin Good For My Skin?
Credit: Medical News Today
More research is needed to determine why exactly biotin is good for people’s skin.
However, scientists have found that individuals with biotin deficiencies are more likely to suffer from skin conditions, such as scaly, red rashes.
Biotin has also been found to help significantly with psoriasis.
The current theory as to why biotin is good for your skin has to do with its effect on fat metabolism. Low levels of biotin often impair this process.
What’s unclear at the moment is whether biotin can further help people’s skin when no issues exist.
Biotin Importance
Credit: MedAlertHelp
The significance of biotin doesn’t end with the skin. It’s also a critical nutrient to get if you’re worried about hair loss.
One study found that taking greater quantities of biotin helped women with thinning hair immensely.
Plus, biotin deficiencies have been directly linked with alopecia.
A biotin supplement may also be recommended if your nails feel more fragile than usual.
A study found that women with brittle fingernails who took more biotin experienced less fingernail splitting as well as an increase in nail plate thickness. Biotin is also recommended if you want to:
- Support a treatment for multiple sclerosis
- Reduce blood sugar in the presence of diabetes
- Support pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Better break down macronutrients
Can Biotin Cause Acne?
As of right now, no concrete evidence exists that suggests biotin creates acne.
Many people are worried about taking supplements because they’ve heard it can lead to acne. Creatine’s link with acne is often blown out of proportion.
Naturally, people have similar concerns when it comes to biotin. And while biotin doesn’t cause acne, there may be another way your supplements are impacting your skin.
Why Might Biotin Make You Break Out?
Credit: AskMen
Biotin can lead to breakouts in the way your body absorbs it and other vitamins. It’s not so much that biotin causes acne.
It’s that it prevents your body from absorbing other nutrients that normally help counteract the effects of acne.
Biotin is absorbed through the same pathway as other nutrients, including vitamin B5. Therefore, taking more of one prevents your body from absorbing another.
A deficiency of vitamin B5 can certainly increase your chances of a breakout, and that may be the reason why some people will notice blemishes after taking a biotin supplement.
One way to avoid this is to take a biotin multivitamin as opposed to a pure biotin supplement.
A multivitamin will include other essential nutrients, including vitamin B5, to help counteract the influx of biotin going into your system.
Can Biotin Clear Up Acne?
Some researchers believe biotin could be a viale way to treat acne. This stems from a study where adults with mild to moderate acne took an oral supplement containing biotin as well as a topical cream.
Over the course of 12 weeks, many of the participants noticed a drastic improvement in the appearance of their acne.
However, it’s important to take these results with a grain of salt. The oral supplement the participants took contained other vitamins in addition to biotin.
It’s possible that one of those other substances helped with acne.
More research is needed, and if you’re worried about how a biotin supplement may interact with your skin, then it’s critical to speak with a dermatologist to get professional advice first.
How You Can Prevent Acne Breakouts
Moisturizer and concealer go a long way in covering up blemishes on the skin, including razor burn and rashes. Any of these Stryx kits also goes a long way in giving you the confidence you need to feel good in your own skin.
You should make sure to properly wash your face to clear it of excess sweat, oil, and dirt. Staying hydrated by drinking ample amounts of water also goes a long way.
You should limit your time in the sun and avoid going to bed while wearing any makeup. Acne can have numerous sources, and it’s critical you look at each one to see where you can improve.
Biotin plays a limited role, if any, in the development of acne. And you should continue taking any supplements or multivitamins as recommended by your doctor.
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