When it comes to attractiveness, a lot of guys think it comes down solely to genetics. While genes certainly play a role, the truth of the matter is that anyone can look better with some simple tricks.
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As people age, the skin begins to deteriorate. This results in wrinkles, bags under eyes, and other aesthetic conditions.
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Acne has a number of sources. What you eat and how much you sweat all play a role.
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If you want to be a more sensual man, you need to appeal to a woman’s senses. It’s not solely about looking your best and being a feast for the eyes. You also need to smell pristine.
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Knowing how to take a good selfie can make all the difference. Whether you need a picture for your dating profile or want your Instagram to really pop, selfies are the law of the land.
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Anyone who’s grown a beard knows how unwieldy they can become. It’s not unheard of for beards to grow haphazardly, resulting in an unkempt appearance.
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Many men dream of having a long beard and mustache. They think it’s the ultimate thing to have in masculinity.
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Fish oil is one of the most powerful supplements one can take. Based on studies, it may have a host of beneficial properties.
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Do you have dreams of being the next Sam Elliott or Tom Selleck? Have you always wanted a mustache that makes people stop in their tracks to look and stare?
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The old adage holds true: You are what you eat. The things you eat play a major role in how you feel and how you look.
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